Just a shorty boosting the venerable Ferd Bardamu's post about Tawkify over at Mala Fide. You can read the whole thing there -- I encourage it -- but the bare bones is that a woman created a new dating site designed to screen out all the "losers" for a woman, but doesn't afford the same privilege to a male member. In return for fifteen bucks, you get a couple of phone numbers of women that will call you after they've seen your picture and decided they're interested . . . but where you don't get to see their picture at all. It's blatantly sexist and misandrous, and you should definitely caution all of your single dude friends against participating. There are far better date sites out there that don't subject you to pre-rejection, prejudgement and personal criticism before you even get to see your date's face.
Seriously, dudes. You don't have to put up with this. Have some self-respect. And don't give this woman a dime of your money.
UPDATE: Good posts about the evils of Tawkify here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Oh, and feel free to go over and leave a comment on the original Elle article: http://www.betabeat.com/2012/01/26/elle-advice-columnist-e-jean-carroll-dating-startup-tawkify-01262012/
PSA: Tawkify, A New Opportunity To Be Judged And Rejected By Entitled Princesses!

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