The 20-second video touched Timberlake, who vowed to make it happen when Fox411 asked Kunis about the invite."Have you seen this? Have you heard about this? You need to do it for your country," Timberlake asked Kunis.Then, in a message intended for Moore, Timberlake said, "I'm going to work on this, man. This needs to go down."Taking a second to confer with her publicist, Kunis agreed. "I'll go. I'll do it for you," she said before asking Timberlake if he was going as well?""They don't want me! They want you," Timberlake responded. "You need to do it for your country."
ABCNews.com did not get an immediate response from Kunis' rep. Nor did Moore respond immediately to e-mails.A lot of folks were cheering the Marine on his YouTube page Monday. "Ha! She said yes! Lucky sucker! Congrats man!" one person wrote.Like a lot of other people, that person may have been wishing he had come up with Moore's idea sooner.
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